NY Design Week 2013: American Design Club Presents ‘Trophy: Awards We Live With’

AmDC-Trophy-1.jpg#37: W.C. Rueck – “Daily Trophies” / #24: Ladies and Gentlemen Studio – “Mirage Shelving” / #36: Todd Isaacs (SPACECRAFT) – “Fir Horns” / #8: Christopher Specce – “Decoy” / #6: Brendan Mullins – “Princess Cut Diamonds” / #2: Andrew Sack – “Skate Wax Candles” / #9: Colleen & Eric – “Bonus Table (Podium Edition)”

For NY Design Week this year, our friends at the American Design Club presented their ninth group showcase, Trophy: Awards We Live With. Per the brief: “A trophy is a memento, token, or symbol, used to commemorate an achievement or victory. Whether they are awarded, stolen, or created, trophy objects can come in many forms.” As with Noho Next (which included several of the same exhibitors), the exhibition occupied a basement café/bar space; unlike Noho Next, in which the work was distributed throughout the space, the trophies were cordoned off on a makeshift stage area—an oversized display case, if you will—framed by a kitschy slatwall backdrop.

AmDC-Trophy-3.jpg#11: Craighton Berman – “Daily Aspirations” / #34: Taylor Mckenzie-Veal – “War Trophy” / #30: Muzz Design – “Ring of Approval” / #27: Made in Chinatown – “Stanrey Cup” / #5: Artin Yip + Chris Beatty – “Gnome” / #29: Misha Kahn – “Coatrack” / #35: The Office of Brothers – “Victory Shims” / #13: Egg Collective – “Badges”



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