NY Design Week 2011: SCENARIOS, New Finnish Design

scenarios-6.JPGforeground: “Ledy,” by Mikko Kärkkäinen background: “Kenno,” by Heikki Ruoho

In its fifth year, the New Finnish Design project presents SCENARIOS: A Story About What Happened In the Future curated by interior architect Sari Anttonen. This year’s exhibition was split into three distinct presentations: Finnish manufacturers (with accompanying histories), new trends in Finnish design and a pop-up retail shop.

Anttonen connects the dots between Finnish design tradition and current products through storytelling. Besides the products on display including Innojok bright light therapy lamps, Woodnotes spun paper yarn textiles, Saas Instruments’ fiberoptic and LED lighting and Vivero’s furniture, the SCENARIOS space will be holding student workshops and pecha kucha presentations (featuring our own Allan Chochinov) to begin thinking about the future directions of Finnish design. And as an official program ramping up to the Helsinki World Design Capital celebrations in 2012, SCENARIOS space will serve as a headquarters for contributing to the Open Source graphics project, the Open Identity workshop.

scenarios-3.JPGSCENARIOS Pop-Up Shop

We loved the new trends in Finnish design which presented individual projects by Finnish designers. Ilkka Suppanen’s “Tikau” lights are handwoven by women in rural India using local bamboo. The project has created an economic opportunity for women who are living outside the social caste there. Hannu Kähönen’s “Fruit Box Chair” is an open source design plan to upcycle wooden apple crates. Harri Koskinen’s speakers for Genelec are a nice design alternative to current consumer-grade portable speakers—flexible enough for use with computers, TVs and portable audio players. Check out more pics from the show and curator Sari Anttonen explaining the thoughtful details behind Heikki Ruoho’s “Kenno” chairs for children. (Sorry for the subtitles and sound quality—Our mic was broken!)


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