Notes on (Type) Camp: 2011 Sessions to Explore Letterforms of Ancient Rome, Bauhaus, India

The first rule of Type Camp is, you do not talk about Type Camp. Oh wait, that’s Fight Club. What a relief, as we can’t wait to tell you about what next year holds for the burgeoning series of immersive design workshops for those who like to debate kerning whilst scarfing gourmet s’mores. Type Camp has big plans for 2011, beginning with a May session in Rome [trumpet fanfare]. University of Reading typograpy professor Martin Andrews will join Type Camp founder Shelley Gruendler in leading seven days of pasta-fueled walks around the city to examine the Imperial and Renaissance letterforms along with more recent results. We hear that campfires and bug juice will be replaced with a Roman feast and abundant prosecco. In June, Type Camp will return stateside for a session in California wine country (do you see a theme emerging?) followed by a planned August installment focusing on modernism in Typography and Design in—wait for it&#8212Weimar, Germany. That’s right, font fans, Type Camp Bauhaus. Start saving your Euros now. Finally, the band of nomadic type junkies will return to India next December for a cultural crash course in Chennai. Morning studios will focus on Tamil typography and design, while afternoons will be spent visiting local publishing houses, street typographers, ancient and modern Hindu temples, and local markets. It’s the perfect way to spice up your design perspective.

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