Nortd Labs’ Lasersaur: An Affordable, Open Source Laser Cutter


If you build something, you know how to take it apart.

That’s one of the motivating factors behind the Lasersaur project, which seeks to design an affordable, open source laser cutter than anyone can acquire parts for and build. The brainchild of Addie Wagenknecht and Stefan Hechenberger, the principals and founders of NYC-based R&D studio Nortd Lab, the project is currently 92% complete.

Wagenknecht points out that if you buy an off-the-shelf laser cutter and it breaks, you’re pretty much SOL; but if you build one yourself, you’ll know how to take it apart and fix it.

Here’s the project in Wagenknecht and Hechenberger’s own words, from when they launched it about half a year ago:


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