Nokero’s Portable, Practical Energy Solutions


Finally, a convenient, realistic and affordable way for the average consumer to utilize solar power: Nokero’s C110 Battery Charger, which runs 14 bucks (battery included) and works with any rechargeable AA, not just the company’s own. “Simply insert a rechargeable AA battery into the back of the C110 and set it out in the sun,” the company explains. “In a matter of hours, your battery will be charged.”

Nokero, which is short for “No Kerosene,” also produces the super-economical N100 and C77 2011 Design Awards 20 Notable N200 Solar Lights, meant to replace the kerosene lamps used in developing nations. Their research indicates that a child using a kerosene lamp to study by is exposed to fumes commensurate with a two-pack-a-day smoker. The $15 N100 and $20 N200 run completely clean, using solar power to juice up the same AA battery found in their C110 charger, and they’re dead-simple to use: Hang them in sunlight, then turn them on when it gets dark.


Nokero was founded in 2010 by inventor Steve Katsaros “to develop safe, affordable and environmentally-friendly technology that eliminates the need for harmful and polluting fuels used around the world.” Check out more of their stuff here.


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