No Days Off’s recycled stationery

Having just moved to a new studio last year, London-based No Days Off needed to get new stationery printed. Being designers, they naturally saw an opportunity to refresh their own identity. But what to do with all the redundant old business cards and letterheads? Recycle them, of course…

“We wondered whether we might be able to do something a bit more interesting than just sticking [the old stationery] in the recycle bin and buying in a load of new paper,” explains Patrick Duffy of No Days Off. “In our minds, the simplest thing to do was to just pulp all this old paper and make it into new paper, and then print our new stationery on that,” Duffy continues. “Direct recycling, cutting out the middle-man. Easy, we thought…

“After a series of fairly negative responses from paper suppliers (of the ‘can’t be done’ variety), we were eventually led to Jim Patterson of Two Rivers Paper. Jim proved to be extremely helpful, and said that he could do the job, no problem. So we bundled everything together and sent it off to Frogmore Mil in Hemel Hempstead.”

The Making of Red Hat Paper from No Days Off on Vimeo.

“We ended up with just under 200 sheets of 320gsm SRA2 paper, which was more than enough for our new stationery requirements,” says Duffy. “So we decided to make a new print too. By a happy coincidence, we discovered that a young printer, James Boughen, had set up a studio right next door to the Two Rivers paper mill, so we asked him to produce this new print for us:

“We exhibited the letterpress print in a recent show at ad agency AMV BBDO, and we have a limited number for sale (at £35 each) in our Shop,” adds Duffy.

The stationery was all hand typeset and letterpress printed by Adams of Rye.



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