Nice work for Johnnie Walker, Zurich, Lloyds and more

We travel the world for this week’s advertising round-up, which features work for Johnnie Walker, Zurich, Lloyds, VW, EE, Kiss, and the New York City Ballet, as well as a set of Russian anti-smoking posters.

First up is this film for Johnnie Walker from BBH, which reveals a marked change in direction for the brand. The dynamic spot, directed by Fredric Bond, focuses on everyday workers frustrated in their jobs and encourages them to rise up and achieve their potential. The rallying cry does sound a little like one that might be heard in a more slurred form after a few post-work drinks in the pub (“you’re so much better than this job”; “I know, so are you… lezz ‘ave another drink”), which perhaps makes it all the more appropriate for a whisky brand.

Agency: BBH; ECD: Nick Gill; Deputy ECD: David Kolbusz; Director: Fredrik Bond; Production company: Sonny.

Another unexpected spot now, this time for Zurich Insurance. The film, one of two in a new campaign, is a surprisingly witty take on the subject of bike insurance. Agency: McCann WorldgroupEurope; Global creative director: Miguel Bemfica; ECDs: Lee Tan, Rachid Ahouiyek; Creatives: Cristina Caballeros, Pedro Piqueras; Director: Augustin Alberti; Production company: Stink London.

Lloyds has released its first spot since the bank’s split with TSB, which introduces a new strapline, ‘The moments that matter’. As with all bank advertising these days it seems, the message is painfully cheesy, but it’s a nicely made spot. Agency: RKCR/Y&R; Creative director: Mark Roalfe; Creatives: Adrian Lim, Steve Williams; Director: Sam Brown; Production company: Rogue Films.

Original A-Ha fans are probably the perfect demographic to be buying a VW car these days, so this spot, which mimics the classic Take On Me video will no doubt do very nicely for the brand. Agency: Deutsch; ECD: Michael Kadin; Group creative director: Matt Ian; Creative director: Mark Peters; Associate creative director: Ryan Scott; Director: David Shane; Production company: O Positive.

Kevin Bacon takes on Jamie Oliver in a battle of the bacon sarnies in this film for EE, which was launched on Oliver’s FoodTube channel on YouTube today. Agency: Poke; Creative director: Gavin Fox; Director: Chris Faith; Production company: Fresh One Productions.

This new campaign for Kiss TV, from Lola/Lowe & Partners in Spain, features three famous music videos (Gangnam Style by Psy above) with the music removed, to emphasise the channel’s position against music piracy. ECD: Chacho Puebla; Creative directors: Francisco Cassis, Paulo Areas; Creatives: Martín Feijoó, Fred Bosch; Director and editor: Mikolaj Gackowski; Production company: Deseif.

New York City Ballet shot this film, New Beginnings, at sunrise on the 57th floor of Four World Trade Center in lower Manhattan on September 12. It features a performance of Christopher Wheeldon’s After The Rain. Agency: DDB New York; CCO: Matt Eastwood; ECD: Menno Kluin; Group creative director: Andrew McKechnie; Creatives: Joao Unzer, Rodrigo de Castro.

We finish this week’s round-up with an anti-smoking poster campaign (one shown above) from BBDO Moscow. The campaign features a series of awful smoking-related illnesses printed in an internet search box, which looks like a cigarette. Art director: Alexey Starodubov; Senior designer: Timophei Ilyen.

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