Nice work for Heineken, Renault, Air France and more

Our regular Friday round-up of new advertising begins with this slick and stylish new ad for Heineken, The Date. The spot is the second in the Open Your World campaign from Wieden + Kennedy Amsterdam, and features the ‘Heineken legend’ demonstrating his many talents to his awestruck date. Also worth viewing is this rather amusing spoof making-of film, shown here. ECDs: Mark Bernath, Eric Quennoy; Creatives: Alvaro Sotomayor, Roger Hoard; Prod co: Sonny; Director: Fredrik Bond.

This new spot for Renault from Publicis Conseil is directed by Dougal Wilson and aims to encourage car drivers to switch to electric-powered vehicles, in particular the new Renault Z.E models. CCO: Olivier Altmann. Creatives: Bénédicte Potel, Thierry Lebec. Prod co: Première Heure.

BETC Music in Paris has created a new campaign for Air France in collaboration with the singer Keren Ann. The campaign features an online game called the Shuffle Song, which invites users to create their own version of Keren Ann’s new song. The creator of the singer’s favourite remix will win a trip to LA on June 25 to see her in concert and meet her band. The film above explains how it works, and go to to join in the game. Global creative director: Rémi Babinet; Creative director: Florence Bellisson; Creatives: Marc Le Seach, Morgan Sommet.

Oliver Durant has created this impressive animation for Amnesty, to help publicise the case of Dhondup Wangchen, a filmmaker imprisoned for his film Leaving Fear Behind, which documents the feelings of Tibetans concerning Chinese rule. Agency: Leo Burnett Iberia.

Granta magazine has commissioned a series of three short films to promote its latest issue, on the theme of feminism. The first, above, is created by Marie-Margaux Tsakiri-Scanatovits and responds to a story in the issue written by Helen Simpson.

Leagas Delaney London has employed striking typography in a new set of ads to promote tourism in Ecuador. Creatives: Nigel Roberts, Alan Cinnamond.

A new campaign for student favourite Pro Plus uses witty photography to demonstrate why its best not to risk falling asleep over the books. Agency: JWT London. ECD: Russell Ramsey. Creative directors: Mark Norcutt, Lawrence Quinn. Creatives: Miles Bingham, Kevin Masters. Photographer: Alan Powdrill, Vue Photography.

Finally, we finish with a curious little film that documents the journey of singer Sanca from Cape Verde to New York to record the soundtrack for the recent Butlin’s ad by Mother London. Rarely has the song of a giant green dinosaur seemed so charming. Director: Thierry Albert.

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