New York’s Board of Regents to Allow Emergency Regulations Surrounding Museum Deaccessioning to Expire


If Fisk University happened to be in New York instead of Tennessee, they’d soon be having a much easier time selling their art collection to help pay their bills. Following a summer of lobbying by the most prominent museums in New York City , and the recent death of a bill trying to pass through state legislature, the NY Times reports that the New York State Board of Regents has given the okay to scrap “emergency regulations” surrounding “deaccessioning,” or the selling of art, within publicly-funded museums. While there are still rules in place, as well as a general unwritten code in the museum industry that you only sell to other public institutions and only then in attempts of growing your own collection, the removal of these regulations removes at least some hurdles for museums to sell to help pay off bills and move once-public pieces and collections into private hands.

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