New Will Self book covers

Greg Heinimann at Bloomsbury has designed a series of new covers for author Will Self’s backlist, to coincide with the release of the paperback edition of his latest book, Walking to Hollywood…

To create the ‘Will Self’ device that appears on each cover in a different colour, Heinimann worked with vintage wood type and hand drew the ‘pool’ shape surrounding Self’s name. The finishing on the covers will apparently make the words appear recessed into the liquid. “The idea of this organic pool was to try and get across the fluidity of Will’s writing, almost like a petri dish,” says Heinimann.

“The titling is in Pitu Pro, making the most of its unusual glyphs,” he adds. “I wanted to use something that would convey the punkiness of his writing, and the descenders and points seem to have that edginess.”

The covers are printed on uncoated stock and will be available from next month, published by Bloomsbury.

More of Heinimann’s work is at

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