New Van Gogh Painting Discovered

Everything’s coming up sunflowers for the Van Gogh Museum, which has discovered a new painting by (you guessed it!) Vincent van Gogh. The Amsterdam institution, which reopened in May after a seven-month renovation, revealed “Sunset at Montmajour” (1888, pictured) in all its luminously impastoed glory at a press conference held yesterday.

“A discovery of this magnitude has never before occurred in the history of the Van Gogh Museum,” said director Axel Rüger, who described the painting as a transitional work in Van Gogh’s oeuvre. “Moreover, a large painting from a period that is considered by many to be the culmination of his artistic achievement, his period in Arles in the south of France. During this time he also painted world-famous works, such as ‘Sunflowers,’ ‘The Yellow House,’ and ‘The Bedroom.’” The attribution of the work, long stored in an attic and thought to be a fake, is based on research into style, technique, paint, canvas, the depiction, Van Gogh’s letters, and the provenance, according to Rüger. “Sunset at Montmajour” will be on exhibit at the Van Gogh Museum beginning September 24.

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