New technology promises print-on-demand for package design


A UK-based digital printing company called Tonejet has invented a new technology, called the Tonejet process, that passes electrophotographic toner through a print head. What does that mean in English? It means they can print high-res (600-d.p.i.) images on, say, metal cans at “industrial production speeds and competitive costs.” For example, the technology could be used on a soda can assembly line to print completely different designs on each subsequent can.

“We envisage this new technology creating a buzz at major events, such as the 2012 London Olympics, where limited edition cans carrying images of the medal winners could be available in stores worldwide the following day,” says Ray Southam, Tonejet CEO.

And while soda cans might seem a fairly frivolous use of the technology, Southam points out that “cans are just the beginning.” The Tonejet process can also be applied to plastic film, paperboard, and “an array of substrates.” If the technology catches on, and people begin thinking of creative uses for it, we ought to see some interesting advances in package design in the future.

via business weekly uk and access my library


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