New Kickstarter Project is “Gripping” the Nation

“As you may already know, Kickstarter is one of the hottest ways to launch a product these days. Upstart designers, engineers, filmmakers and artists around the country are harnessing the power of crowd-sourcing to get their projects. Recently successful projects include the Tik-Tok iPod Nano WristwatchPrinterBot home CNC machine and the Elevation Dock for iPhones. Each of those projects raised well over $750,000 based solely on a concept and an impassioned plea from the Kickstarter-in-question. We’ve recently come across a new Kickstarter project that has potential to take off, provided it finds the right market.

That project is called The E-Grip, which is a new type of pool cue holder that was designed by the owner of a billiards supply store in San Diego. The device positions itself as “The Most Secure Way to Hold Your Pool Cue” and, from what we saw in their Kickstarter video, the claim looks to be completely reasonable. One of the more interesting things about this project is that, to be honest, it serves a need that I didn’t even know existed. Not being a pool player, I didn’t even realize that pool cue holders were a “thing”. However, I must say that if I were a pool player, this looks like THE pool cue holder to beat all other pool cue holders.

What makes this project unique is that it looks like the device itself could lend itself to a variety of other uses. I can see rifle owners buying these devices in droves. Perhaps Hockey players will begin to use these. Heck, the argument could even be made that this is “The Most Secure Way to Hold Your Broom”. 🙂 In the end though, this project looks like it’s in the early stage of marketing and they’ll likely find the The E-Grip market in just a few months.
If you’re a pool player (or you know one you’d like to find a gift for) be sure to check out the E-Grip on Kickstarter.
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