Near Tag Quality, Arduino-enabled Graffiti


The folks from Graffiti Research Lab, an online resource for digitally enabled, open-source tools for “urban communication,” recently posted a video for an Arduino-enabled project called the Near Tag Quality or NTQ. We’ve been a fan of the Lab’s work from early on, reporting about their LED Bomb Throwies, their High Writer, electro-graf, L.A.S.E.R. Tag and of course Zach Lieberman’s Eyewriter.


NTQ uses Arduino to program 7 spraycans to “write” full sentences, similar to the dot matrix-inspired technology we saw in Beijing Design Week’s Water Calligraphy Device. The project took two months to complete and cost around €200. The NTQ debuted during the This Place Has No Atmosphere exhibition at the IMOCA Dublin. Watch a video demo after the jump and while you’re at it, check out Graffiti Research Lab’s arduino-enabled low-cost project, Laser Knuckles, a POV text writer.


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