Museum of Science and Industry Launches Second Round of ‘Month at the Museum’

After incredible success of last year’s experiment/marketing effort, tomorrow marks the launch of Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry‘s second Month at the Museum. After putting the call out early this summer, the museum spent the last few months whittling the 1,000+ entries down to six finalists, ultimately selecting Kevin Byrne, a Chicagoan who works as an analyst for a digital marketing agency. Beginning tomorrow, he’ll spend the next 30 days in the museum, living there uninterrupted until November 17th. Like with last year’s winner, Kate McGroarty (who we keep running into every now and again at various events in the city and wondering, “Why does she look so familiar?” until we finally realize where from), he’ll spend his time working with museum staff on projects, interacting with visitors, and making public appearances. And of course, he’ll be all over the internet, Twittering and Facebooking about his experiences day in and day out. In a tweet last night, he writes, “I just completed my last commute for the next 30 days. I’m trading 45 minutes for 45 seconds. Woo hoo! #tomorrowsthebigday”

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