More Than 150 Show Up to Give Facebook a Hand with Urban Planning

Following up on a story from a couple of weeks back, this weekend marked Facebook‘s all-day, everyone’s-invited conference to look at their new Menlo Park neighborhood, where they’ll be moving this summer into the old Sun Microsystems campus. As reported by the San Jose Mercury News, more than 150 architects and designers showed up to help try and think of methods of updating the campus, and how to incorporate and work with its surrounding area and the neighboring community (no word on whether or not these people were compensated for this). As the paper tells it, the mass of people were broken into four groups who looked at different aspects of their soon-to-be-new-headquarters, including walking around, meeting the locals (who are sure to enjoy the tax boost once the company moves in), and sketching out ideas, unveiling them at the end of the long, 12 hour day. Even Mark Zuckerberg showed up toward the end. Here’s a bit:

As the blizzard of ideas swirled, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg suddenly appeared, strolling nonchalantly through the crowded room. John Tenanes, Facebook’s director of global real estate and Zuckerberg’s tour guide, asked some of the blue team members to fill him in.

…Zuckerberg seemed stoked by the ideas. He nodded, said “cool” several times, and then vanished into a backroom.

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