More Details Emerge on Director Steven Soderbergh’s Plans to Leave Filmmaking, Enter Painting

Both the film and art worlds were once again abuzz early this week with more information on director Steven Soderbergh‘s planned transition from filmmaker to painter, quitting the former entirely to concentrate on the latter. The whole concept was kicked into high gear this past March, when the director made the rounds saying he was planning on retiring at 50, even dropping by Studio 360 to chat with Kurt Andersen about it. Now, with his latest film, the thriller Contagion about to be released, Soderbergh once again made quick mention of his departure again while speaking with the NY Times, offering a few more specifics on what he has planned for his second act (and how he might turn back around should it all not work out):

Mr. Soderbergh was speaking last month in his office space-cum-painting studio in the Flatiron district of Manhattan, where, having announced his imminent retirement from directing, he will soon be spending a lot more time. Propped against the walls are some of his recent pieces: a pair of striped canvases in red and gray hues and a portrait of the abstract painter Agnes Martin. Mr. Soderbergh, 48, sounded matter-of-fact about the career change. “I’m interested in exploring another art form while I have the time and ability to do so,” he said. “I’ll be the first person to say if I can’t be any good at it and run out of money I’ll be back making another ‘Ocean’s’ movie.”

And here’s that aforementioned interview on Studio 360:

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