Monopoly Gets Urban with New City Edition

Monopoly City.jpgDitch that Baltic Avenue slum, forget the B&O, and think big, because Rich Uncle Pennybags takes a page from the gilded playbook of Donald Trump in the new metropolitan version of Monopoly. In this urban twist on the classic boardgame, little green houses for you and me are replaced with more than 80 3-D structures, including industrial blocks, stadiums, skyscrapers, and parks. Players act as property developers to build their dream cities within color districts in the center of the game board. Community Chest is a thing of the past, but Chance still abounds, and a Rent Dodge card is up for grabs. As with real world real estate, sabotage is fair game: build a polluting power plant next to your rival’s prize property and watch its value plummet. This has New York Observer-sponsored game night written all over it.

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