MoMA Acquires Twenty-Three Digital Typefaces, Preps for Exhibition in March

Following their high-profile acquisition of artist David Wojnarowicz‘s controversial A Fire in My Belly, the MoMA has just added some more to its collection, with these pieces a bit easier to interpret (or at least, easier to read). This week, the museum announced that it has acquired twenty-three digital typefaces for its Architecture and Design Collection, ranging from Erik Spiekermann‘s FF Meta to Neville Brody‘s FF Blur (and before you wonder, yes, of course Hoefler & Frere-Jones‘ Gotham is in there too). Previously, as Alice Rawsthorn points out, Helvetica had been the only piece of type the museum had picked up for the department, lonely among a collection of nearly 30,000 objects, so it’s nice to see they’ve see the typographic light. Here’s a bit from the official statement, as well as some quick info on what they have planned for the new acquisitions:

This first selection of 23 typefaces represent a new branch in our collection tree. They are all digital or designed with a foresight of the scope of the digital revolution, and they all significantly respond to the technological advancements occurring in the second half of the twentieth century. Each is a milestone in the history of typography. These newly acquired typefaces will all be on display in Standard Deviations, an installation of the contemporary design galleries opening March 2 on the third floor.

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