Minx Fantastic Flags Nail Art

Root for the World Cup with fingernail-sized flags

In light of the popularity of this year’s World Cup, Minx Nails came out with yet another way to support your favorite team as they (hopefully) go into the quarter finals. Their new Fantastic Flags line of nail art features fourteen different countries with almost microscopic detail.

It may be difficult to imagine a manicurist finding a way to draw five hundred miniature white stars across your hands, but therein lies the magic of Minx. Each set of nail art comes in a sheet, and heat adheres them onto nails, sort of like a temporary tattoo. The mini decals line up perfectly with individual fingers, and last up to two weeks.

Known for their incredibly shiny metallics and intricate seasonal patterns, Minx manicures dominate as one of the more popular nail treatments. You can attempt home application by buying decals from Minx, but the service is available in salons across the U.S. and internationally, each running between $30-$55.

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