Martin Parr’s Time Off

Time Off (Cambodia, Angkor Wat), 2012

Time Off, a small exhibition of work by photographer Martin Parr, opens tomorrow at the Rocket Gallery in London…

Featuring just six large prints by Parr, the show includes photographs taken from his travels around Europe and Asia.

Time Off (France, Paris), 2008

According to Rocket the images focus on individuals “preoccupied with appreciating the world around them. No one is totally relaxed; whether or not they are aware of the camera capturing their interactions. There is a restless search for achievements, or reflections, that are just out of reach. Purchasing a tourist souvenir will not offer comfort here”.

Parr has been represented by Rocket since 1997 when the gallery’s Jonathan Stephenson presented the photographer’s first commerical show in the capital.

Time Off (Switzerland, St Moritz), 2012

Time Off runs at Rocket, Tea Building, 56 Shoreditch High Street, London E1 6JJ until February 9 2013. The original archival pigment photographs are signed and numbered and available to purchase from the gallery in an edition of fives at 40 x 60 inches, and ten at 20 x 30 inches. Details here. More at

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