Maria Pinto and Hart Schaffner Marx to Design Chicagos 2016 Olympics Delegation Uniforms


If you’ve not been within about a 200 mile radius surrounding Chicago, you’ve likely been spared all the pro and con arguments about the city’s bid to land the Olympics. It’s been a lot of talk about taxes and relocation and all sorts of unpleasant things. But it will all be over soon, one way or another, as the city who gets the games in 2016 will be decided in just over a week. And when the official announcement is made in Denmark, the Chicago delegation headed there is set to look fairly sharp, as it’s been released that two of the Obama‘s favorite Chicago-based designers, Maria Pinto and Hart Schaffner Marx, are behind the outfits the traveling group will be wearing. Pinto, you’ll recall, designed Michelle Obama‘s nomination night gown and the Des Plaines-based Hart Schaffner Marx has long been on President Obama’s must-call list. Will be interesting to see what they come up with.

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