Makeshift Society to Open its Doors to NYC Creative Community this Spring


With the sudden shutdown of 3rd Ward and General Assembly, NYC’s creative space has taken a hit in the past couple of weeks… which is why Makeshift Society‘s Brooklyn expansion is happening at such a great time. Their first location in San Francisco has seen overwhelming success. So much, in fact, that the crew has set to the streets in Williamsburg and are looking at opening a new co-working space/clubhouse in early 2014.

With over 300 members taking part in the San Francisco Makeshift Society movement, founders Bryan Boyer and Rena Tom are looking to do a few things differently with their Brooklyn office. “Our SF and NYC locations are siblings, but they’re not going to be identical twins,” says Tom. “The pace in NYC is faster, so we’ll adjust to that without forgetting our roots. The mood at Makeshift Society is relaxed without being pretentious and productive without being overwhelming.” The space will be dedicated to creative types looking to get away from their kitchen table home offices. “That includes people like photographers, graphic designers, small interaction design studios and more; product businesses like jewelry and furniture; as well as consultants who work with these people, from business strategists to and marketing experts and everyone in between,” says Boyer. Unsurprisingly, this audience also comprises the majority of the backers for their Kickstarter campaign to help get the new space up and running.


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