MacMaster Workshop: Serenity in an Industrial Setting

Two large membrane vacuum presses for laminating the curved forms of the Iris Floor Light.

It is said that you are a product of your environment. In the case of MacMaster Design the environment is a product of well, the product. A look into Alex MacMaster and Limahl Asmall’s workspace over at their portfolio on Coroflot and you can see how the flowing and open forms of his lighting fixtures have created a spacious breathable setting. This is not to distract but only add to the rolling scenery of Worcestershire, Great Britain, where the company is located.

Today, MacMaster’s workshop resides in a formerly dusty swimming pool which has been transformed into a modern day production facility. The Old Pool has sliding doors and large luminous windows that open onto a sea of coniferous forest providing an idyllic setting for MacMaster’s natural and timber based lighting and furniture. Cast iron machinery has been meticulously sourced from within the United Kingdom and consists of 70’s Wadkin and Sedgwick precision equipment complete with British Racing Green lacquers. The Wadkin Burrsgreen Band-saw in particular being the equivalent Rolls Royce of its time.

The large sliding door works just as well in an industrial setting as it did illuminating pool-goers.

Precision and refinement are a necessity when dealing with the complex forms of their lighting fixtures. Check out after the jump to see the final product.


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