Love Letters

I had a cold and was feeling run down, so I hadn’t been downtown to my studio for a few days. When I opened my mailbox, it was overflowing with an amazing assortment of envelopes and small parcels. I instantly felt better!

Inside this beautifully addressed envelope with Australian postage was an actual love letter from Lee of In addition to a gushing letter, Lee included some ephemera, an old map, and a photo of herself. I’m blushing!

Laura Schwammann decorated her envelope which contained a Valentine (which made me think of issue 11 with its themes of linocut/sharp and labour-intensive art-making and owl motif).

Christina Crook, one of our writers (most recently she wrote the feature about Angela Ritchie Ace Camps and Creative Retreats in the current issue #12) sent one of her simple and lovely greeting cards. Each contains a vintage embroidered patch. (They’re available on her Etsy shop here. Please visit her shop to see better quality images—it’s a great concept for a unique card.)

Mister Edwards sent a fun bag of candy and stickers. (Check out this Crap Book – that’s right, no S on scrap!)

Janae Easton of Platypusfile sent a soft owl paperweight/beanbag and some prints of her artwork. Finley is enjoying playing with the little owl, but our dog Percy is awfully tempted, too!

And that’s not all that was in this incredible mailbox haul! There’s a new book by Gemma Correll, an activity journal to document What I Wore Today, a postcard from Eight Hour Day, and a letter from Carolee Wheeler with some tiny stamps and beautiful handwriting that needs further investigation. A publication from Grow Books entitled Pushie, Jr. And a postcard from Stephanie Levy.

Really, you’ve all spoiled me. I don’t remember a February 14th when I had better Valentines than these. Thank you!!!

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