Los Angeles’ MOCA Finds Itself in a Pulled-Art Fiasco of Its Own

While the uproar in DC continues unabated, on the other site of the country, new Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art director, Jeffrey Deitch, could perhaps be soon facing his own pulled-art uproar. Art Info reports that after commissioning street artist Blu, the museum decided its image of “a massive panorama of coffins draped in one dollar bills” would be too controversial and almost immediately had it painted over. And while the museum issued a statement that said it acted as such because it didn’t want to stir up any controversy, if the Streisand Effect has taught us anything, it’s that if you try to very-publicly hide something, it often don’t usually work out as such. What’s more, when they said they’d asked the artist to return to paint something else, he quickly fired back, essentially saying no way. This seems particularly awkward for Deitch, who just months ago was getting Shepard Fairey to paint a mural for him in New York. Here’s video of the MOCA take-down:

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