London Design Festival 2011: “Scaffolding Brut” at V&A


Why do we give something so ubiquitous so little designerly love? “Scaffolding Brut” is an inspiring installation put together by Berlin-based BetaTank, asking this very question. The Germans offer a selection of playful “temporary scaffolding accessories” including birdhouses, plant pots and even a porcelain radio. More of a call to arms than a fully formed solution, the installation leaves you wondering, if most of our cities are covered in the stuff, why isn’t scaffolding more of a feature of urban life, than the scourge of it. The project hopes to answer questions posed by BetaTank:

“If scaffolding systems are so impressive without design specifications, how utterly magnificent could they become if the need for beauty was attributed to construction?” And, “given the fact that they cover large sections of any given city, rather than getting in the way, could scaffolding assist accessibility and mobility?”



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