London Design Festival 2010: No More Secrets…

div style=”align: right;”img src=”” width=”468″ height=”328″ alt=”004-established-and-sons-design-around-the-clock-printing-panels.jpg”//divdiv style=”align: right;”img src=”” width=”468″ height=”328″ alt=”007-established-and-sons-design-around-the-clock-other-participants.jpg”//div

pemTop: Design Against The Clock, and Established and Sons event where designers work in public. Pictured are printing panels used by Richard Woods in his temporary workshop. Bottom: Future participants who will also Design against the Clock for Established Sons./em/p

pThere is a lot of sharing this year at LDF, it feels as though the ‘mystery’ of design, (and whether the mystery should exist) is being investigated and interrogated: personal agendas and manifestos are laid open for public debate, (a href=””Anti-Design Festival/a), special processes and techniques are shared with any passer-by (a href=””Design Against the Clock/a), and new collections are taken off their gallery pedestals to very public, very everyday environments (a href=”″The Established and Sons Public House/a)./pa href=””(more…)/a
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