"Living With" Product Review: Humanscale’s Personal Zone Air Purifier Puts You in a Bubble of Freshness

Earlier this year Peter Hall of DesignInquiry wrote up a fantastic case study and origin story of Humanair’s Air Purifier, now re-branded the Personal Zone Air Purifier. After six months with the unit, we now bring you the “Living With” product review.


If you work in an open-plan office, there are certain things that belong to everyone and certain things that belong just to you. That light coming in from the windows and the overhead lamps is for everyone; the task lamp on your desk provides light just for you. The electricity piped in is for everyone, but the outlets under your desk are just for you to plug into. But one thing that you typically cannot get is your own air supply.

This is an area that Humanscale is addressing with their Personal Zone Air Purifier. Their goal was to provide a desktop source of clean air, qualitatively different than the air piped into the larger space around you, that would essentially encase the user in a sort of bubble of freshness.



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