Living Lamps: More Like Desktop Pets Than a Light Source (and Who Doesn’t Want One of Those?)


Junior isn’t just a task light. Like Bob de Graaf’s “Species of Illumination,” Junior is a whimsical living lamp that depends on your breath to keep his energy up. By breathing toward the lamp, Junior lights up—literally and figuratively—into the perfect playful midday distraction. This all being said, it’s probably not the work lamp for you if you’ve got one of those stressful, white-knuckle jobs that keeps you way past daylight. (Or maybe you need Junior more than the rest of us.)

Junior-StraightShot.jpgYou can’t help but pull images of Disney’s Wall-E to memory with this design.


The lamp’s main goal is to remind users to take moments throughout their busy days to breathe and interact with an object in a more natural and intuitive way. Junior detects the warmth in your breath and pulls energy from it to interact with your movements. Take a look:


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