Living in Kuala Lumpur… a new friend



Last week I started a small series of posts about Living in Kuala Lumpur… the Goodthe Badthe Beautiful… and today I would like to end this week with 'Kuala Lumpur and a Friend'

We are approaching the end of another blogging year, time to get a bit sentimental and do somereminisces… perhaps even more this year than other years as Bloesem will be celebrating it's 5th anniversary real soon. 


{images: home of Ena, one of the founding partners of Wondermilk here in Kuala Lumpur}

Last year was a very special blogging year for me due to to the visit of a friend from the Netherlands. I'm talking about Marjon Hoogervorst, the Dutch photographer I have talked about a lot lately… she and I met each other via Bloesem and we decided of organising a blind-date here in KL with a mission to photograph as much as possible in one week…

Marjon has captured my way of living here in KL very well and she taught me so much about photography that I dare to show you more of my own images next year. I have asked Marjon to answer some questions for me and I am sharing my favorites pics with you from our shoots during that week. Hope you enjoy them!


     Let's Get Personal with Marjon Hoogervorst

C: contact… with Irene, that's where it all starts! The beginning of a great cooperation and lovely friendship!

A: always… looking for challenge, don't be afraid for taking risks. Just taking a plane to KL without knowing Irene (and stay with her and her lovely family), was just one of them…

P: people love people in every way, I prefer real contact… I want to feel the energy! I felt a lot in KL…


T: time… I stayed there for one week, we shot over 1000 images, met a lot nice people, eat in great restaurants, got a lot inspiration, talked one our in a minute……… and didn't sleep much…

U: unique… This experience was unique, I'll never forget this!

R: ritual… the Chinese tempel Irene wrote about is full of rituals in one place! Another ritual: maybe doing this every year! 😉


I: interesting…. the language. Some words they literally translate from the sound of english words. Like "Teksi" (Taxi)

N: No way…  bring me (and irene) some damage and steal my camera! We stood in an alley where we were shooting. In a few seconds a car blocked our exit and three men in suit with a little bag(in a pour neighbourhood) came by. They wanted to drug us and take my camera. Luckily Irene saved me here. She mentioned it immediately and showed me that I have to look to these men, pont out "one-two-three") and walk away… That was frightening…Goal: stay connected in loving the things I (want to) do. This year I worked a lot with more and more international clients! I love this dynamic!

K: Kuala Lumpur: I'll be back!

Love, Marjon 



Above you see only some of the images of the beautiful home from Building bloc Architects thatMarjon and I took during our week together. Thanks Marjon it was wonderful and hope we can do it again!! Irene xoxo

..building bloc architects




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