Lisa King, Chief Operating Officer of Auction House Christie’s, Resigns Suddenly

Over the weekend and into this week, the art world has been abuzz over the news that Lisa King, the long-time chief operating officer of the mega-auction house Christie’s, has announced her very abrupt departure. The Art Newspaper broke the story, explaining that after 15 years at the company, and in a period of record profits in the face of a still-difficult, worldwide recession, King tendered her resignation and will leave almost immediately, at the end of this month. Here’s the statement they gave to the paper:

“We can confirm that Group COO Lisa King has decided to leave Christie’s later this month,” said a spokesperson for Christie’s, adding “She has made a truly significant contribution to Christie’s over her 15 years with the Company and we wish her the very best in her future endeavors. We know she will remain a friend to Christie’s for many years to come.”

And that’s all anyone knows at the moment. Christie’s won’t elaborate and King isn’t talking. Does the sudden departure and radio silence mean something? Possibly. But it also could mean nothing. Unless you’re a higher-up at the company, or Lisa King herself, your speculation is as good as ours (though our speculation usually involves aliens and werewolves, so maybe yours is better after all).

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