Let’s Get Personal in the USA with Stacey from Pancake and Friends


Let's Get Personal with Stacy Pancake from Pancake and Friends

A:: American is… Frank Lloyd Wright, Silicon Valley, Levi Strauss, Marilyn Monroe, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, cowboys, Coca-Cola, Polaroid, Sesame Street, Big Foot, jazz, baseball, and of course the Corvette.


M:: make, I start making when… I wake up in the morning all the way to when I go to sleep. I am a maker and a dreamer; most often the two compliment each other.


E:: entrance, when entering my home you will notice… a steep staircase and a friendly twenty pound cat.                                                                                                          read more>>>

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R:: room in my home that needs restyling is…the second bedroom. It has become an expensive storage unit <frown> and needs a complete re-haul.


I:: if I could live in a different place or home, it would be… Joshua Tree, California. I love the warmth of the desert and the mystery of the endless Yucca brevifolias. 


C:: craft projects that I love best are… Does gardening come under crafts? I have a very green thumb and love my urban garden.


A:: art in my homes comes from… galleries, auctions and friends. I am always on the hunt for new work. 


N:: new in my home is… a fresh coat of paint throughout.


H:: hobby, I always make time for… nature and art; both are equally important to me. 


O:: outfit, my favorite thing to wear is… stripes, layers upon layers of stripes and mostly denim; plus moccasins, some jewelry and always a scarf. I also have a fetish for Ellen Verbeek and Costume National shoes. 


M:: magazines I love to read are… Wallpaper for the traveler, Saveur for the cook, Vanity Fair for the gossip, Dwell for refurbishing ideas, Art Forum for pleasure and research, I.D. for inspiration.


E:: enjoy, I can't live without… sleep, strong coffee, my cat, nature, travel, art, design, sunshine, brown rice and seaweed.

……………………Thank you Stacy Pancake……………….. 

I (irene) really love the prints from Pancake and Friends and believe Stacey truly brings new and unique designs, different with a sense of humor … if you click here you can see what I mean.


Pancake and Franks works to reduce the use of energy and resources and promotes sustainability: we use only 100% post-consumer recycled paper and non-toxic soy-based inks for printing. Below you see some of the beautiful limited edition prints.


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