Let’s Get Personal in the Netherlands with Sandra from Studio de Winkel


Let's Get Personal with Sandra from Studio de Winkel 

D:: Dutch is … inspiring designers scene, open minded and fresh ideas. And i love the seasons in Holland. I don’t like the cold winters but because of the winter i so can appreciate the spring & summer

E:: entrance, when entering my home you will notice., the art that surround us and  makes our home more personal.




S:: style, means… mix things and let some pieces shine. Don’t match to much because it will be one sauce. I like ageless/timeless interiors with some special accessories and beautiful art.

G:: gardening is something i like in my dreams, but in reality a don’t take the time. So I like wild gardens

Dining  Studiodewinkel-vitrine Paiintg

 Studiodewinkel_badkamer_1 Studiodewinkel_slaapkamer Candles




I:: interesting places in my city are…in Utrecht you have old houses beautiful mixed with ultra modern houses. I like the contrast. And the Singel (defence canal around the old city centre) with its parks and bridges. It is nice walking along the water on a sunny day, specially in the Spring

N:: new, in my home is…a beautiful textile artwork from Marloes Duyker, I love her work, also you see beautiful work of her at studiodewinkel.nl , and she makes also nice jewelry with a twist. 





H:: hobby, I always make time for…culture and visiting museums. I’d like to be surprised through contemporary art. In Tilburg you have the museum the Pont and in Rotterdam Museum Boymans van Beuningen . I always get inspiration there and beautiful emotions. And i like so much to visit ateliers from designers and artist for studiodewinkel.nl. And on Friday evenings I have salsa dancing lessons with my friend, perfect beginning of the weekend.

M:: magazines I love to read are….Collect, Elle decoration, StijlvolWonen, Objekt, Flow




O:: outfit, my favorite thing to wear is… twiggy dress with booties

E:: enjoy, I can't live without. My family and my work for Studioderuimte and Studiodewinkel.nl . And I enjoy being in contact with other creative and inspiring people.


 ……………………….Thank You Sandra……………………..

Interior architect Sandra de Bekker from the Netherlands always had an eye for the more artsy type of interior accessories. Two years ago she decided to open up her own online shop offering only these kind of accessories and I love visiting her shop, ot only to buy but to find and see new designers and creators like Lammer&Lammers below…


..Studio de Winkel

..Studio de Ruimte

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