Let’s Get Personal in the Netherlands with Maartje van den Noort


The home of Dutch designer Maartje van den Noort

D:: Dutch is …my mothertongue.

E:: entrance, when entering my home you will notice…a white stain on the floor

S:: style, means…Enjoying what you see


I:: interesting places in my city, …, are… many

G:: gardening is something I…would like to develop untill my arms are darkgreen

N:: new, in my home is…an I-Mac 😉


Maartje10  Maartje9 Maartje6Maartje4 Maartje8

H:: hobby, I always make time for...friends, eating, coffee and reading.

O:: outfit, my favorite thing to wear is…a long darkblue undershirt (helps against cold and against unpleasant insights)


M:: magazines I love to read are… Mr. Motley, Colours, 101 woonidee-en, Elle-living, Vogels (mag. about birds in Holland)

E:: enjoy, I can't live without…my husband, family, friends, the sea.



Thank You Maartje! You might recognise the image below with the gorgeous lamps, I wrote about them a little while back. Maartje van den Noort lives and works in Amsterdam and she says in her work she prefers the subtle, the elusive and the fragile. She loves the simplicity of drawings, just a pen and a nice white sheet is a great start of something… 

Here you can find her website and blog. The lamps and greeting cards from the picture below are available at re-stored





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