Let’s Get Personal in the Netherlands with Esther Veereschild


The home of Esther Veereschild from Mokka

D:: Dutch is fresh, clean and airy 

E:: entrance, when entering my home you will notice a coatrack we found at a thrift shop.


Mokka Mokka1 Mokka2 Mokka22 Mokka222 

S:: style, means…'Live what you love'

I:: interesting places in my city Utrecht is 'Fort aan de klop' it's an old defending castle (never used) where people can eat and drink and even camping. It's in the middle of the city and very quiet.


G:: gardening is something I really like in de spring and summer, I have little vegetable patch and some fruit trees

N:: new, in my home is a big bureau for my husband, we were looking for is for over 2 years and finally we found the perfect one.


H:: hobby, I always make time for cooking for friends I love big diners.

O:: outfit, my favorite thing to wear are dresses I always wear dresses, now I'm in love with a new Berlin brand called 'Bless'


M:: magazines I love to read are Elle Decoration UK-edition, that never fails my expectations! But I also read Marie Claire Maison, Maison Francaise, Elle wonen, Vtwonen and loads of cooking magazines. 

E:: enjoy, I can't live without my work, designing bags, my family and my friends



Mokka is the name of Esther Veereschild's label for her designer handbags. Since 2002 she has made more than 200 bags , all of them very unique and they often come in a limited editions. Eshter's home has been features is several magazines, blogs and even tv…becasue it's such a characteristic and friendly home…thanks Esther Veereschild from Mokka

All images were taken by Carolien Coehorst and styling by Anne-Marie Rem.


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