Let’s Get Personal in the Netherlands with Annemique from Fijn Wonen


The home of Annemique de Kroon from Fijn Wonen*Fijn Leven 

D:: Dutch… are the two people who live here. The two cats are from Panama and Spain.

E:: entrance, when entering my home you will notice… peace and quiet in the heart of the city.


S:: style… is utterly personal.

I:: interesting places in my city, Amsterdam, are… Huis Te VraagCulinaire WerkplaatsHuize FrankendaelNiemeijerRainarai.

Chairsdining Couch1 Dining Cat Flowers Chairs


G:: gardening is something I… would really like to try (I am on the waiting list for an allotment)


N:: new, in my home are… the shapes and colors on the walls each morning, created by the sunlight on the stained glass windows.


H:: hobby, I always make time for… kissing my beloved before I go to sleep and after I wake up; a big fruit salad for breakfast and books.


O:: outfit, my favorite thing to wear is… something comfortable, soft on the skin.


M:: magazines I love to read are… Selvedge

E:: enjoy, I can't live without… love, nature and soulful connections.


Thank you Annemique!

Annemique and I met a couple of years back when Annemique was Editor in Chief for a Dutch magazine called Hide&Chic. She invited me to become the editor for their design/living section and of course I happily accepted this invitation… for a little over a year I contributed to the magazine and than we both went our separate ways. Recently Annemique told me about the new path she had taken in her life… she no longer worked in the media business but became a professional feng shui consultant advising people and offices about feng shui and interior design. On her blog you can read more about her love for feng shui and she shows us glimpses of her wonderful home.

Annemique : ‘What appeals to me in feng shui is that it allows you to look at your home with new eyes: what environment have you created for yourself? If your home is a mirror, what does it say about you? By clearing clutter, applying certain colors and materials and replacing furniture, you can make a house into a home where the energy flows harmoniously.’ 


All images are by Annemique de Kroon.

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