Let’s Get Personal in Malaysia with Irene Hoofs from Bloesem…


Let's Get Personal with me, Irene, in my old house in Kuala Lumpur

D:: Dutch is … not easy to de-scribe, many things are going through my mind … but most important: reliable. Learning in school to think outside the box and allowed to ask questions!

E:: entrance, when entering my home you will notice… you have to take of your shoes. A typical thing from warm countries. I still have a love-hate affair with this tradition especially when wearing my party shoes and being asked at other people's houses to take off my shoes too … but other then that I think it is a very smart thing to do. 


S:: style, means… be yourself and dare to share your own taste albeit in the clothes you wear, the way you decorate your home or the way you approach life…

I:: interesting places in my city, … are KL Pac, ACME restaurant, Sundays, Wondermilk and the homes from Building Bloc.                                                                                          << Read More >>


G:: gardening is something … I would love to learn. One day I will live in a house at the sea with a beautiful garden.

N:: new, in my home is… this little Pollo vase by Tapio Wirkkala.


H:: hobby, I always make time for…

M:: magazines I love to read are… Elle decoration UK, Anthology, MilK, Inside Out, Frankie, Monocle and soooo many more, but to be honest buying mags have become a lot less with all the beautiful things I can find online. 


O:: outfit, my favorite thing to wear is… probably my handbags.. i am a handbag addict. 

E:: enjoy, I can't live without… of course my family and Sun light.



Exactly one year ago Marjon Hoogervorst, a Dutch interior design photographer came to visit me here in Kuala Lumpur to shoot 5 amazing homes. And the home I was living in myself at that time. Right now Marjon is here with me again and yes we are working together on some new series for magazines worldwide, but today an impression of what we did last year.

I am proud to say that this home was featured in Anthology magazine last year! 


All images by Marjon Hoogervorst .

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