Let’s Get Personal in Canada with Julie from Hazel & Hunter…..


Bedroom Living-room_3 Cocoroom Studio LivingroomHazelhunter

The Home of Julie from Hazel & Hunter

C:: Canadian is… long cozy winters and warm summers that go by too quickly.

A:: appetizer, my favorite is… probably dips or spreads, something like hummus and tapenade.


N:: neighborhood, what i like in mine is… my neighborhood is Little Italy in Montréal, which has great cafés and bakeries and a huge market to get fresh food everyday.

A:: addiction, mines are… espresso and travelling.


D:: DIY projects i have done are… most of my daughter Coco's room – little pennants, pillows and toys I've made for her.

I:: if I could live in a different place or home, it would be… right now Montréal is the perfect home for me, but who knows where I might go next.


A:: art in my home comes from…photography by my husband, art by our friends, many little prints from artists here and there.

N:: new in my home is…a vintage credenza we found at a flea market here in Montréal.


H:: hobby, I always make time for… spending time outside and making things.

O:: outfit, my favorite thing to wear is… something black.


M:: magazines I love to read are… design magazines.

E:: enjoy, I can't live without…my husband and our daughter Coco, family and friends, fresh air, good food, discovering new places and things.



Julie's studio, Hazel & Hunter is based in Montréal…only minutes away from  the textile and garment district but the fabrics you see being used in the images are designed by Julie herself and she prints them on organic textiles. Not only designs Julie the prints herself she also re-upholsters old furniture and give them a new vibrant look. All the photos were taken by Julie's husband André and would you like to buy one of her pillows, pouches or else than click here for her shop bigcartel, papernstitch or etsy


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