Kids’ Furniture by Bo Reudler Studio

Kids’ Furniture by Bo Reudler Studio

Dutch Design Week 2011: best known for his grown-up furniture that would be quite at home in a fairy tale, Amsterdam designer Bo Reudler presents a collection of children’s furniture in Eindhoven as part of Dutch Design Week this week. 

Kids’ Furniture by Bo Reudler Studio

The series is made of solid Dutch oak from a traditional wind-powered saw mill.

Kids’ Furniture by Bo Reudler Studio

It comprises a table, chair, rocking horse, wheelbarrow and doll’s cradle, constructed from basic shapes that retain the curve of each raw board.

Kids’ Furniture by Bo Reudler Studio

The collection will be auctioned on Ebay and at the Klokgebouw exhibition at Strijp-s this week, to raise money for the World Wildlife Fund.

Kids’ Furniture by Bo Reudler Studio

Dutch Design Week continues until 30 October.

Kids’ Furniture by Bo Reudler Studio

See more work by Bo Reudler here and more furniture for children here.

Kids’ Furniture by Bo Reudler Studio

Photographs courtesy of Bo Reudler Studio.

Kids’ Furniture by Bo Reudler Studio

Here are some more details from Bo Reudler:

Kids’ Furniture by Bo Reudler Studio
World Wildlife Fund Design Auction

Bo Reudler Studio presents the Kids’ Furniture series during Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven 22-30 October 2011. The furniture will be exhibited at a design auction and exhibition organised by the World Wildlife Fund to held in the Klokgebouw, Strijp-S.

A wooden furniture series for children. The collection is composed from elemental shapes and basic materials, built in an intuitive, playful way.

The series comprises a table and chair, rocking horse, wheelbarrow and doll’s cradle.

The objects are hand made from solid oak finished with a coating of natural oil and soft colorful footings of woollen felt. The edges of the furniture retain the original curves of the trunk or branch enabling every piece to be unique.

The wood originates from fallen Dutch trees that are sawn in the traditional wind-powered sawmill Het Jonge Schaap situated in the Zaanse Schans, Zaanstad.

The collection was realized with the generous support of Het Jonge Schaap and Jantien Ranzijn & vdr.

Kids’ Furniture by Bo Reudler Studio

Bo Reudler Studio is a product and interior design studio led by Bo Reudler, based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Bo graduated from the ArtEZ Academy of Art and Design and is also co-founder of Asylum Collection. The work of the studio aims to charge objects with imagination and meaning,working as storytellers through matter, experimenting with materials, following their hidden qualities to bring out their natural beauty.

World Wildlife Fund Design Auction

The design exhibition and auction organized by the World Wildlife Fund will be held from 22-30 October 2011 in the Klokgebouw on the Strijp-s terrain. Buyers can bid for the products online via e-bay or via auction forms at the exhibition. The proceeds of each sale will be donated to a WWF project as nominated by the buyer. The exhibition is open daily from 12-18:00pm.

See also:


Haute Bamboo by Bo Reudler and Olav BruinSlow White Series
by Bo Reudler
More Slow White furniture
by Bo Reudler
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