Keith Haring Collaborator and Art in the Streets Contributor, Angel Ortiz, Sentenced to 45 Days in Prison for Graffiti-Related Charges

Yesterday when we wrote that we might have to start up a feature reporting on the recent arrests of artists or the people connected to them, we maybe should have talked about it being more regular than on a mere weekly basis. Following the previous nabbings of Space Invader and Revok, another street artist whose work is currently showing as part of Los Angeles’ Museum of Contemporary Art‘s controversial Art in the Streets exhibition has been arrested. This time around, it was Angel Ortiz, also known as LA II. However, differing from the previous two, who were caught tagging in LA, Reuters reports that Ortiz was in New York and had already been detained by police at the time of the exhibition’s opening, after having been caught for the third time in March for vandalism. This week, the friend of LA MoCA’s director Jeffrey Deitch and former collaborator with the likes of Keith Haring and Basquiat, was sentenced this week to 45 days in prison for his offending graffiti. If there’s any light at the end of the tunnel, at least the sentence includes “the month already served,” giving Ortiz ample time to catch the exhibition baring his work out in Los Angeles.

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