Kardashian Sisters Accused of Handbag Design Theft by Monica Botkier
Posted in: UncategorizedWe fully realize that by talking about the Kardashian family we’re only continuing to give them the power they require to keep existing, and for that we apologize. However, we promise in this post to discuss something that only paint them in a potentially negative light, namely allegations of design theft. Late last week, designer Monica Botkier filed a post on her eponymous company’s blog entitled “K is for Knock-Off.” Botkier alleges that the new Kardashian Kollection, which features pieces designed by three of the family’s sisters and was recently launched at Sears, includes a handbag that looks remarkably similar to one of their own, the “Botkier Clyde.” From two side pouches to the diagonal zippers to even the frilly extras hanging here and there, you’d be hard pressed not to see the similarities. In response to the theft complaint, the Kardashian’s issued a statement, which the Hollywood Reporter has in full. In it, they fight back on three fronts: 1) that they have not yet received a cease and desist letter (which we read as “if we haven’t gotten one, how for real could all of this be?”), 2) that their potential-copycat bag was “independently created” and is not yet available for public consumption (or “we just licensed our name out, so our hands are clean, and since the bag wasn’t available anyway, it will make it more difficult for you to sue us”) and lastly, 3) pointing fingers and saying that Botkier’s a thief too (here’s that quote: “[Parent company Jupi] was also surprised by Botkier’s statements in the media about purported ‘knock offs’ of Botkier handbags in light of other comments in the media noting the similarity of Botkier bags to preexisting Balenciaga bags”). So a dirty fight, yes, but it appears to possibly already be over, as Sears has already “removed the bag from their website.”
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