Jeffrey Inaba’s Pool Noodle Roof


Pool Noodle Roof is Jeffrey Inaba’s installation for No Soul For Sale, a very temporary exhibition organized by the almost as temporary contemporary arts group X Initiative. The project is situated on the roof of the old Dia space on West 22nd St. in Chelsea (once home to Dan Graham’s Two Way Mirror Cylinder Inside Cube). Its 150 x-shaped pool noodle seats are “meant to provide both comfort and unease”, and took roughly 750 hours to construct at 5 hours per chair. Why so long? Well, according the the Architect’s Newspaper, “part of the time involved in construction was getting the patterns just right, as the chairs spell out a secret message, ‘bububluooopppp,’ which Inaba explained is the sound of something either sinking or rising, a commentary on the uncertain state of art and design (markets) and the world in general.”

No Soul For Sale stays open just through Saturday, so if you’re in the area, go check this thing out!

More after the jump.


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