Jawbone Unveils Yves Behar and Co.’s Latest: ‘UP’ Tracks ‘Movement, Sleep and Nutrition’

Yves Behar and his fuseproject crew are apparently preparing to branch out a from Bluetooth devices and boxy speakers in their work for Jawbone. Just before the weekend at TEDGlobal in Scotland, the company unveiled a new product called UP, a “cool sensing band” you wear on your wrist, which sends back information to your smart phone, tracking “movement, sleep and nutrition.” Were you not at the TED conference, that’s about all their letting on for now, other than a sign-up page on their site for getting more info as it’s released and this small post on fuseproject’s blog. But as the new product is set to launch “later this year,” we’re sure more about it will start making the rounds here shortly. Here’s a bit from the press release (pdf):

UP leverages Jawbone’s expertise and partner ecosystem integrating robust computing and sophisticated sensor technology in the form of functional jewelry. UP by Jawbone is a new system that tracks your movement, sleep patterns, and nutrition so you can live a healthier life. This new end-to-end system consists of a small wristband that monitors your activity 24/7, a mobile app that analyzes the activity, and an open platform that motivates you with personal and social recommendations and challenges tailored to your goals.

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