Jan Utzon, Son of Sydney Opera House Designer, Attacked and Badly Beaten

A bit of trouble this past weekend in Sydney, Australia for the offspring of the man who made that city’s most iconic landmark. Jan Utzon, the son of the now-deceased Jorn Utzon, who designed the Sydney Opera House, and one of the two heirs who have a history of battling over restorations to their father’s building, was attacked on the street Saturday, apparently completely unprovoked, but sounding very brutal. Fortunately, while badly bruised and injured, it appears he’ll be okay. Here’s a description of the attack from the Sydney Morning Herald:

The Danish national — who visits Sydney several times a year to consult on changes to the Opera House – said he was talking on his mobile phone in a lane beside the Manly Lodge hotel about 10pm (AEDT) when he was approached by a muscle-bound man.

He was allegedly pushed and punched several times, police said, before falling to the ground. His mobile phone was also smashed.

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