James Dyson to be appointed as Provost of the Royal College of Art

industrial designer James Dyson is to succeed Terence Conran as Provost of London’s Royal College of Art. See press release below.

Sir James Dyson to Succeed Sir Terence Conran as Provost of the Royal College of Art, London

Sir James Dyson, the engineer entrepreneur, is to succeed Sir Terence Conran as Provost of the Royal College of Art. The Head of the College, the Provost presides over meetings of the Court and 
confers degrees at Convocation. Sir James will take up the post on 1 August 2011, when Sir Terence officially retires from the role.

Sir James Dyson, whose term of appointment is five years, is widely acclaimed as one of the world’s most successful and influential design
entrepreneurs. Earlier this year, his report for the Conservatives,
Ingenious Britain, called on government to reawaken Britain’s innate
creativity and competitive spirit. A graduate from the Royal College of Art
 and a Member of Council since 1998, Sir James has long been a generous
supporter of the College, and his educational charity, The James Dyson
Foundation, has a close relationship with the RCA.

Dr Paul Thompson, Rector of the Royal College of Art said,

“Sir James Dyson
embodies all of the RCA’s ideals. A powerful advocate, he has both the 
international stature and experience of the College’s affairs to equip him in his new role as Provost. This is a particularly exciting time for the RCA
and Sir James will play a crucial role in the institution wide strategic 
plan we are currently implementing. His intimate knowledge of, and passion for the College will help engage the entire community in realising our
ambitious expansion programme over the next five years.”

He added, “I would like to express our deep appreciation to Sir Terence 
Conran, who is stepping down as Provost. We have greatly benefited from his support and service over the past six years.”

Sir James Dyson said,

“I discovered engineering here under the guidance of
Tony Hunt and have enjoyed watching the RCA’s output ever since. Thanks to
Terence Conran’s ambition and foresight, the College will continue to grow.
The UK needs to rediscover its talent for making things. At the RCA the 
efforts of engineers, designers and scientists converge. I look forward to a period of inventiveness, productivity and collaboration of brilliant

Sir Terence Conran said, “The Royal College of Art is a unique institution
and truly one of the world’s elite art and design universities. Its 
continued success is key to the economic revitalisation of our country and I say to our politicians, ignore the creativity and innovation of our talented 
young students at our peril.
I feel greatly privileged to have been involved with the College for the past 25 years and the last six as Provost, which I have thoroughly enjoyed. 
It is with sadness that I step down from this role but I’m delighted with 
the appointment of James Dyson who I am certain will be an inspirational
Provost and he is certainly the best successor I could think of. He incorporates all the qualities that the RCA can strive for – original
design, innovation and entrepreneurialism.”

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