Iran threatens 2012 boycott over logo

According to an article on the Guardian website, Iran has threatened to boycott the London Olympics because, it claims, the logo spells out the word ‘Zion’

There may be a number of reasons to take issue with Wolff Olins’ 2012 logo but, up until now, that it represents evidence of an international Zioinist conspiracy has not been one of them.

However, a Guardian story says that the Iranian government has made a formal complaint to the International Olympic Committee calling for the logo to be replaced and its designers “confronted” (whatever that means), warning that Iranian athletes might otherwise be ordered to stay away from the London Games.

An IOC official confirmed to the newspaper that the Iranian letter had been received but said: “The London 2012 logo represents the figure 2012, nothing else.”



Well, at least it doesn’t have Big Ben on it – read our original post on the 2012 logo launch here

And Mexico 68 designer Lancy Wyman’s reaction here

And here‘s our story on the 2012 pictograms


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