Interview with Photographer Horst A. Friedrichs


by Alison Zavos for Feature Shoot

Born in Frankfurt in 1966, Horst Friedrichs studied at the Munich Academy of Photography and has worked as freelance photo-journalist for numerous publications, The New York Times and The Independent among them. He has exhibited his photography globally and in 2008 received a prestigious Gold Lead award for documentary photography. This month saw the release of “I’m One:
21st Century Mods
,” a project that follows the contemporary British Mod scene. (It’s also available from
.) We checked in with Friedrichs to ask a few questions about the series and his other work.

You’ve been documenting The New Untouchables for twelve years. How did you first become interested in the mod scene?

In the ’80s my friends in Germany were Mods so when I moved to London in 1997, I was curious about the Mod scene in the U.K. After a bit of research, I discovered The New Untouchables, sophisticated and stylish Mod people, who share a true love of quality vintage and ’60s music. I started to go to their club nights and scooter runs to photograph them.

Your major work over the last decade has been a documentary film and a book in Venezuela called Dona Maria and her Dreams. How did this project on the London Mod scene and culture fit in with your day to day routine?

I work as a photojournalist and in advertising. It’s my bread and butter. Four weeks ago I did a portrait of Bill Gates and my first job in London was with Robbie Williams. But to be honest, I prefer to take pictures of the real people. I am a very simple person.


What did you find most captivating about shooting this scene? And, what is the purpose of all those mirrors on the scooters?

Music! Beat, R & B, Psychedelia, Freakbeat, Rocksteady, Northern Soul…the music inspired me a lot. I think the over-accessorized scooters, with luggage racks, fog lights and mirrors, look cool.

Along with the book, you’ve also been filming interviews and events. Do you have plans for a documentary?

Yes, indeed. I have a lot of uncut material, but no time for editing at the moment as I am busy working on a new book project. Last week I had an radio interview at the BBC, and after the show, I had a couple of people contact me about the material. I would love to do a documentary and the material is good. I just need the right person to do the job.

View another image after the jump.

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