International Center of Photography Goes Gaga!

Lady Gaga loves nothing more than a good photo opp—all the better if it involves promoting cameras (in her role as “creative director” of born-again Polaroid)&#8212but what can budding photographers learn from the pop phenom, other than how to handle the papa-paparazzi? Find out next month, when New York’s School of the International Center of Photography kicks off “Lady Gaga: A Platform for Self Expression through Photography.” The week-long workshop, led by Lyndsey McAdams and Jamie Liles, may sound tailor-made for Little Monsters, but it’s actually aimed at “any student who wishes to develop an approach to expressing one’s identity in a performative and visual way through photography.” On the syllabus: Gaga’s visual identity, her approach to artistry, and how she has challenged societal boundaries, all of which can inform conceptual and technical approaches to photographic self-expression (see also: Sherman, Cindy). New Yorkers not enrolled in the course, which runs August 13 through 18, should keep an eye out for Poker-Faced students in avant-garde garb pursuing “out-of-class assignments that help tie Lady Gaga’s vision and ideals with their own.”

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