Interactive Gallery of Icsid World Design Impact Prize Nominees for Public Review


Earlier this year, the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid) announced the first annual World Design Impact Prize, a platform “to recognise, empower and stimulate socially responsible design projects around the world.”

In anticipation of World Industrial Design Day and the launch of their online gallery featuring the nominated projects, Icsid President Dr. Mark Breitenberg shared his thoughts on the program:

The nomination stage yielded a total of 22 projects from five continents that are up for the running:

From student-made product designs introducing dynamic and sustainable solutions, to internationally renowned initiatives striving to improve quality of life, Icsid Members nominated a diverse group of industrial design driven projects that are all currently visible for the public to browse, share and vote for their favorite.


The interactive gallery went live last week and will be online for public review for two months, until August 30. The official voting process will take place during the second month of the public review:

On 29 July 2011, one month after the opening of the public review process, official voting will commence. With a jury consisting of over 160 Icsid Member organisations, each being permitted to cast one vote for their organisation, the voting to determine the inaugural World Design Impact Prize winner will bring together an unprecedented group of thought leaders, pioneers and educators from the international industrial design community.


Following the official vote, five shortlisted entries will be announced on October 27-28, at the XXVII Icsid General Assembly in Taiwan. If the announcement of the Prize winner in February 2012 still seems a long way off, rest assured that we’ll keep you posted on any new developments.


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